Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Thai's fall

    I finished the crashed spaceship texturing and then Michael asked me to do the Thai's fall scene. It wouldnt be long (just 1 sec long) and did not need to be super perfect. Just need to think about the scale of cave and Thai.
    It was not perfect, but this scene was only 1 sec long. So I'll leave it at the main time.

crash spaceship txtu

Did some parts sepratedly. The person who put all the bits together can just duplicated and drag them into the right places. Hopefully, the texture will stay the same.

Added the engine parts and wing bits into this scene. Christ can have more choices what to duplicate more than once. All the parts were so twisted so it doesnt matter people could not tell which parts are they. And I was told that the sequence would not last long tho.

I was not worried about the UV unwrap about this scene. Some parts' texture were a little bit twisted but they looked alright. Actually, the twisted bits made it more like a crashed spaceship.


Wednesday, 10 June 2015

spaceship still going on


It looked pretty good. Now I need to add some stuff more to make it look as a whole cause the wings texture were different from the main body of spaceship

I added some extra parts and assigned the same attributes of wings. It was almost balanced.

spaceship going on

This week I started working on some details. Finally finished all the big parts, yeaaaaaa. Looks alrite, reflectivity was too high.

Big thanks to Rachel for her fansy wings. It helped me a lot and made the spaceship much cooler.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Labour pain-like texture process

The spaceship texture is making really slow progress. There are 30_50 objects in the whole scene and nearly all the objects had problem of UV unwrap because of the messy lines lying on each other.

the original 

the new 1 i made

I had to remodel every single part of the ship because of the uv unwrap trouble caused by messy lines. It required 3 times how long I texture a normal objects, at least. I deleted at least 10 objects that I dont need in the scene. However, there are still some objects I could not remodel of fix, then I made different objects to replace them. Im making slow progress, but at least im not going backwards...

but its still ugly tho...

space ship txt started

txt option 01

                                                                        txt option 01
txt option 03

txt option 04

txt option 05

results sample

I picked up a few stencils to try on. finally decided to use the following one.
It looked alrite. Yeahhhhh...